Sleeve Gastrectomy is a procedure where the side part of a stomach is removed, producing a tube-shaped stomach. In this procedure, a hormone called 'Ghrelin' which is a hormone responsible for stimulating hunger is removed. The best Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery is available in India.
A very small incisions are made in the abdominals walls through which trocars are placed which act as passageways for small instruments. To lift the stomach walls from other organs around, it is filled with carbon dioxide gas. Now with the laparoscope, the surgeon observes the inside of the abdominal cavity.
The liver is positioned next. The part of the esophagus is in contact with the edge of the liver which is like the starting point of the stomach. To view the stomach properly throughout the procedure a retractor is placed to lift the liver off the stomach.
To see the area under the stomach, the tissue that attaches the stomach to omentum is removed. The organs that lie beneath the stomach like the pancreas and spleen are now clearly visible.
The blood vessels and attachments that line the greater curvature of the stomach is now cut and sealed by the sleeve gastrectomy surgeon. This action has to be continued on the surface of the stomach starting from the esophagus to the beginning of duodenum (first part of the small intestine).
It is crucial to identify all the anatomic landmarks during the cutting and sealing. The angle of His which is referred to as an area between the lower esophageal sphincter and the gastroesophageal junction undergoes dissection and opened up, thus finally rendering it irrelevant.
The tissues connecting the stomach and large intestine and stomach and spleen are divided separating the stomach from bowels and spleen. It is important to have the stomach free from the left side of the diaphragm (the structure attaching diaphragm with the vertebral column). Blood supply to the vagus nerve and left side of the stomach has to be preserved.
Through an opening in the diaphragm the surgeon checks for the protrusion of the upper portion of the stomach for the existence of hiatal hernia. If that is found then the defect has to be closed with sutures anterior and posterior to the esophagus.
The greater curve of the stomach is now elevated after identifying the pylorus part of the duodenum that connects the small intestine to the stomach. Through the division of the greater omentum, the surgeon enters the general cavity of the abdomen.
The cavity of the stomach is transversely divided around a sizing device called the bougie for the creation of a gastric tube. The pylorus valve is kept intact with some part of the cavity of the stomach to ensure gastric emptying. Until the gastroesophageal junction, the stomach is divided.
The gastric sleeve is like a pouch with a capacity volume of fewer than 150 ml. A narrow tube is formed when the length of the stomach formed by the bougie is stapled. The stapled line is covered with a substance that will prevent bleeding or leakage.
There is an area of a notch called the incisura angularis in the horizontal and vertical part junction of the stomach where special care has to be taken to avoid relative narrowing.
Finally, the staples are checked for good health durability. Finally, the resected stomach is kept in a specimen bag and extracted out of the initially placed trocars. To prevent port site hernia, the port sites of the stomach is closed with nonabsorbable sutures.